Angel McClary Raich told John Ashcroft to mind his own business. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed. They're telling the Attorney General to butt out. This PSA is also available as a camera-ready PDF for easy reproduction.
image of medical cannabis patient Angel Raich
SHE TOLD ASHCROFT: "Mind your own business."
The Court agreed -- it's up to the states!
Angel McClary Raich has an inoperable brain tumor. After her doctor tried everything to keep her from wasting away, he finally recommended marijuana. It saved her life. What's more it got her out of a wheelchair and back with her husband and children.

But the Attorney General says there's no such thing as medical marijuana -- even though studies show otherwise1 -- and it's legal in 9 states. John Ashcroft has been sending his troops out to bust the sick and dying and their care-givers. He even tried to intimidate their doctors but that's where the Supreme Court drew the line.2

Now the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has joined with Angel Raich.3 They're telling the Attorney General to butt out.

A TIME-CNN poll shows that 80 percent of Americans support medical marijuana for the seriously ill.4 Isn't it time for the federal government to catch up with science and the people?5
www.CommonSenseDrugPolicy.org, www.DrugWarFacts.org, www.MedicalMJ.org
Mike Gray, Chair; Robert Field, Co-Chair; Kevin Zeese, President
717-299-0600 -- info@csdp.org
1: "Marijuana and Medicine," Institute of Medicine, 1999. 2: Walters v. Conant 03-40. 3. Raich v. Ashcroft 9th Cir. No. 03-15481. 4. TIME Nov. 4, 2002. 5. To find out what you can do to help patients like Angel, contact Americans for Safe Access at 1-888-929-4367.