Suffering From Chronic Pain? Up to 30 million Americans suffer from under-treated chronic pain. Families suffer with them. For most, suffering is completely unnecessary.

This advertisement appears in the National Review, the New Republic, the American Prospect, The Nation, Reason Magazine and The Progressive in the winter of 2005.

A camera-ready copy of this PSA is available in Portable Document Format (PDF).
Suffering From Chronic Pain?
For Solutions, Read On . . .
Up to 30 million Americans suffer from under-treated chronic pain.1
Families suffer with them. For most, suffering is completely unnecessary.
Problem: Medical schools do not provide sufficient curriculum time to pain management nor do most residency programs.

Solution: Encourage medical schools to prioritize teaching pain management per "best practice" as recommended by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO)2 and also provide educational workshops for physicians already in practice.

Problem: Even when properly informed, doctors are often afraid to follow "best practice" guidelines for patients who require large amounts of medication or even to accept pain patients out of fear of being targeted by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Solution: Seek another doctor if your prescription fails to relieve your pain. If you are unable to obtain adequate medication, complain to your senators and congressman and urge them to investigate the DEA's failure to respect "best practice" and persecution of conscientious physicians. (Conscientious physicians tend to attract extreme chronic pain sufferers, and hence prescribe greater quantities of opioids in general and huge doses to some patients as warranted. Thus they attract the scrutiny of overzealous DEA agents and prosecutors who either don't understand "best practice" or are seeking headlines to divert attention from their overall failure to prevent wide scale criminal diversion of licit and illicit drugs.)

Problem: Many patients suffer needlessly because they are either too stoic to complain or they mistakenly fear addiction.

Solution: Educate patients about the importance of reporting unrelieved pain, and make them aware that opioid treatment is rarely addictive.

Problem: Loved ones often underestimate the debilitating effects of chronic pain and discourage taking dosages as prescribed.

Solution: Involve family members in pain treatment consultations. Make them aware that their loved one's pain affects the entire family and can be successfully treated medically.
You are entitled to "Best Practice" treatment.

Common Sense for Drug Policy
H. Michael Gray, Chair; Robert E. Field, Co-Chair
www.CommonSenseDrugPolicy.org -- www.DrugWarFacts.org
www.ManagingChronicPain.org -- www.MedicalMJ.org info@csdp.org
1 "Pain Facts : An Overview of American Pain Surveys," American Pain Foundation, from the web at http://www.painfoundation.org/print.asp?file=Library/PainSurveys.htm last accessed Nov. 22, 2005.
2 Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations on Pain Management, from the web at http://www.jcaho.org/news+room/health+care+issues/jcaho+focuses+on+pain+management.htm, last accessed Nov. 22, 2005.