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This advertisement appeared in the National Review, the The New Republic, the Weekly Standard, The Nation, Reason Magazine and The Progressive in the spring of 2002.

Who says we are winning the $19 billion-a-year drug war?

- New drugs and more dangerous forms of the old drugs are widely available, e.g. crack and methamphetamine.1
- Adolescent drug use has been increasing since 1990.2
- The age at which people first try heroin, cocaine, and marijuana is constantly dropping because there are so many new users.3
The price of heroin and cocaine is at the lowest point in 20 years and the purity of both drugs is at near record levels.4
Overdose deaths and mentions of drugs in hospital emergency rooms are at record levels.5
Bans on the sale and availability of clean syringes have added significantly to the spread of HIV/AIDS.6
Who says we're winning . . . other than frightened politicians, ideologues, and people who make their living from prohibition?

Prohibition. It still doesn't work.

Kevin B. Zeese, President, Common Sense for Drug Policy
3220 N Street NW #141, Washington, DC 20007
202-299-9780 -- 202-518-4028 (fax)
www.csdp.org -- www.DrugWarFacts.org -- www.AddictInTheFamily.org

1 ONDCP, National Drug Control Strategy, "Methamphetamine Lab Seizures, by State 1995-2001," February 2002, p. 108, Table 67, citing El Paso Intelligence Center; ONDCP.
2 Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Monitoring the Future, December 2001
3 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Office of Applied Studies, "Summary of Findings from the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse" (Rockville, MD#&058; September 2001).
4 ONDCP, "The Price of Illicit Drugs: 1981 Through the Second Quarter of 2000," prepared by Abt Associates (Washington, DC: ONDCP, October 2001), Table 1, pp. 28-30, and Table 2, pp. 31-33.
5 Murphy, Sheila L., Centers for Disease Control, "Deaths: Final Data for 1998," National Vital Statistics Reports, Vol. 48, No. 11 (Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics, July 24, 2000), pp. 1, 10; Office of Applied Studies, Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2000 (March 2001 update).
6 CDC, "HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, 2000," 12(2)2001, Table 30; Lurie, P. & Drucker, E., "An Opportunity Lost: HIV Infections Associated with Lack of a National Needle-Exchange Programme in the USA," Lancet, 349:604-8 (1997).


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