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Doug McVay, Director of Research

Doug McVay is an activist, writer, researcher, and speaker with a long history in drug policy reform.

Doug is the editor of Drug War Facts and maintains the Common Sense family of websites, including: CSDP, Drug War Facts, Drug War Distortions, Managing Chronic Pain, and Addict In The Family.

Doug has been active in drug policy reform efforts since organizing a NORML chapter at the University of Iowa in 1983. He went on to work with the Oregon Marijuana Initiative/Ballot Measure Five campaign during the 1985-1986 election cycle as their petitioning coordinator and assistant director. Doug worked for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) as their Activists/Projects Coordinator from 1987 to 1990. In 1989, he co-founded and began working with the Cannabis Action Network (CAN).

Doug is a member of the Board of Directors of Cannabis Action Network. He is also a member of the Board of Directors for Students for Sensible Drug Policy.

A court-qualified expert witness on the subjects of marijuana use, sales and cultivation, Doug has testified in both State and Federal courts in the US.

Doug can be heard regularly via radio and online on the DrugTruth Network's Cultural Baggage and Century of Lies programs. An mp3 recording of Doug's speech at the 2006 NORML conference is also available for download. The audio begins with an introduction by David Nott, President of the Reason Foundation.

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