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This public service advertisement appears in the National Review, the New Republic, the American Prospect, The Nation, Reason Magazine, and The Progressive in the winter of 2008.
Internists Endorse Legal Access
to Medical Marijuana

The American College of Physicians, the nation's largest organization of Internists, is calling for protection of both doctors and patients from criminal and civil penalties in states that have adopted medical-marijuana laws.

A position paper just released by their board of regents lists half a dozen diseases for which marijuana has already proven effective and they say the federal government must stop blocking promising research into this beneficial drug.*

"Evidence not only supports the use of medical marijuana in certain conditions but also suggests numerous indications for cannabinoids... The science on medical marijuana should not be obscured or hindered by the debate surrounding the legalization of marijuana for general use."

The College of Physicians now joins the ground swell of medical groups that fully or partially support research and access.

Score Card
For Against
American College of Physicians
Institute of Medicine
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Academy of HIV Medicine
American Nurses Association
American Society of Addiction Medicine
Canadian Medical Association
British Medical Association
American Pain Foundation
American Medical Women's Association
American Public Health Association
The Medical Society of the State of NY
Rhode Island Medical Society
California Medical Association
Arthritis Research Campaign
HIV Medicine Association
American Medical Students Association
Lymphoma Foundation of America
American Association for Social Psychiatry

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